Japanese Status of Residence System (visa)

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After establishing a base in Japan, we plan to invite foreign employees hired overseas to work in Japan. What conditions must be met in this case?

The status of residence varies depending on the type of work the foreign employee will be assigned to in Japan, as well as the required criteria to be met. The status of residence can be roughly divided into the following categories.

"Business Manager" for managers, factory managers, etc. "Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services" for planners, traders, etc. "Intra-company transferee" for those who move between companies in Japan and overseas for overseas assignments, etc.

These requirements are only defined roughly in the Immigration Control Act. It is necessary to consider in detail on an individual basis what kind of background the employee will have, what kind of duties they will perform, how long they will work, and how they will be treated. For this reason, we recommend that you consult with an administrative scrivener or other specialists individually.

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Hirakawacho Bldg. 8F, 2-6-1,
Hirakawacho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Business hours:Mon-Fri 9:00~18:00

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